Friday, April 20, 2007

Sorry, Been Busy

Hi all, for those of you still reading this thing. It is easy to put one foot in front of the next and before you know it a whole week has passed. That is definitely true out here. Time seems to fly by faster than the Albatross. Sorry for the horribly writing, I was a Geography Major in College and despised the creative writing classes I took.

So the past week has offered me a chance to work with some new (to me) technology. Laura, one of the other volunteers, is leaving the island the first week of May, and is in the process of passing on her responsibilities to the other volunteers. I have been lucky enough to take over her Tristram's Storm Petrel plots. Tristam's are small sea birds weighing in at a mere 100 grams. These little suckers dig burrows into the ground to lay and rear their eggs and subsequent chicks. In order to monitor nest, and fledgling success we have to find a way to look into these tiny burrows. In steps the "Peeper 2000". The peeper is a small camera that connects to a long cord, and feeds the image to a sort of virtual reality headset. The observer wears pillow cases to block out the light, extends the camera lens via a cord into the burrow, and documents the findings. Pretty cool. So I got that going for me.

Other than this extremely note worthy addition to my life, all has been going well. One day bleeds into the next making it nearly impossible to even remember dinner from the night before. Well I am off to pizza and a movie (this is actually considered a good Friday night, maybe we will stay up past 11).

Hope all are well, Aloha Tim.

1 comment:

karla said...

Hey Tim!! Love reading your blogs..sounds like you are learning a lot and enjoying yourself. I love the pics too...your room is pretty sweet, yeah? Anyway, I am enjoying island life as well...