Sunday, April 1, 2007

Offload Completed

So for yesterday and today we all worked on a resupply of the Island. Yesterday starting real early in the morning the Oscar Sette, a NOAA ship from Honolulu can to resupply the island. In total we had 19 pallet tubs and numerous fuel canisters. It took the entire day to load all the stuff of the large NOAA ship, onto smaller boats and then onto the island. Today we completed the long hard task of assorting, labeling and putting away all the food and supplies. The food storage room is packed to the brim.

Other than these very eventful days the days have been bleeding one into the other. I have only been here for a little over two weeks and feel like I have been here a couple of months. Not to say the days aren't flying by, because they are. But when you live in close quarters with only 5 other people on an island slightly over 1/2 mile long and not very wide at all you get to know the people and the island rather quickly.

Not much else to report on now. Hope all is well where ever you are.

Aloha ~Tim.

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