Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Off Load Canceled

We were expecting a NOAA ship from Honolulu tomorrow but the ship had to turn back half way here. There was a medical emergency on the ship and it had to return to port. No word yet what the emergency was but we all hope it was not too serious. We were expecting 21 pallet tubs of food and supplies. Now don't get me wrong we are not starving out here by any means but this ship has had some major problems all along. First it was supposed to leave port 2 weeks ago but was delayed due to engine problems. Then it actual leaves yesterday, and we get word that 2 of our diesel drums (back up generator fuel) and 1 gasoline drum was jetsamed. They keep the fuel on the deck on racks that can be tipped overboard in case there was a fire. Well our 3 drums went over even though there wasn't a fire. Now the ship had to turn back for a medical emergency. Oh well, we can only hope everyone is all right.

Last night we all worked on mark recapturing Wedge-Tailed Shearwaters. We caught and read the band numbers or banded 123 adult birds in a little less than 2 hours. It was tough work. Those little guys may be cute to look at but they are something fierce when handled. Pound for pound they are the dirtiest, scrappiest, strongest birds out here. They are burrow nesters so they are designed to kick with a force, and have nails that hurt. They were breaking skin with there beaks even through gloves. It was a late night to say the least.

Laura and I just got out of the water from an after work snorkel trip. It was a treat today to get into the water and come face to face with a Spotted Eagle Ray. They are really big graceful Rays. We also came up on about 6 or 7 small Green Turtles feeding off the algae growing on the coral. All and all it was a great day for snorkeling.

Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying the pictures online. As I take more photos I will be adding them to the website so stay tuned. Kathryn, another girl out here with me is really into the pictures and will be putting hers online as well so I will link to her site when that is complete.

Aloha ~Tim~

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