Saturday, April 14, 2007

Plane Arrives Safely on Friday the 13th

We had a plane arrive on Friday the 13th. Nothing eventful happened with the flight except it did hit and kill one Sooty Tern and bring us fresh fruit and vegetables and a new volunteer, Kyle. I know I have only been out here for a little over 4 weeks but the fresh fruit and vegetables are a great treat, not to mention the ice cream and candy. Some of the other people on the island have been without fresh stuff for over 8 weeks. Rough life considering we have every other food on the face of the earth at our disposal.

So I have the honors of cooking the fresh tuna that arrived on the plane. I am up for the challenge and plan on seared tuna on a baguette with spinach leaves and grated carrots, accompanied by a salad and roasted potatoes. I am hungry just writing about it. I hope I can pull this one off.

Kathryn received an underwater digital camera on the flight so expect to see some underwater shots posted on the website soon. Thanks Mom and Dad, Grandma and Pop-pop, and Lindsay for sending me mail. It is really nice to know people half way across the world are thinking of me. Plane days can feel like Christmas.

Along with tons of snorkeling and boogie boarding I have been filling my days with birds and maintenance. We banded some Trstram's Storm Petrels and I continue on with my Albatross reproductive plots. We have lost a lot of chicks due to days over 85 with little or no wind. The down covering their bodies is great for the insulation at night but can be a killer on those really hot days. The island has taken on a stink of death, which shouldn't last super long (the heat takes care of the decomposition rather quickly). Although it is a natural occurrence it is hard to see chicks make it this far and die because of the heat.

Well that is all for now, GO SOX!

Aloha, Tim


robstyle said...

hey tim, i have some downtime at work and decided to check out your blog. sounds like you are having fun. im sure the seared tuna went well, that meal sounds vaguely familiar :)

davey and lara were in nyc last weekend and we had a blast. i tried to show them nyc stuff and all they wanted to do was go to happy hour, ha. go figure.

glad to hear island life is treating you well.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Anonymous said...

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