Friday, March 16, 2007

Newly Arrived

So after a short 3 hour flight I have arrived on Tern Island in the French Frigate Shoals, a small 35 acre Hawaiian Island. I have volunteered my time for the next 4 1/2 months to study the 16 different nesting seabirds on this island and the other small islands that make up the Atoll. Having left behind many friends and one very special girlfriend I am ready to make some new friends who will share this experience with me. As this is my first post I will not elaborate to much on the specifics of my job out here (as I am sure that if you continue to read over the next 4 months or so you will have a perfect idea of how i spent my time).

After a brief orientation of the island and the way things work out here I learned that I will be taking over the study of the reproductive success of the Black-Footed and the Laysan Albatross. This involves monitoring plots or small sections of the island 3 times a week to determine how many of the eggs that are laid make it to fledging (the chick can fly and is considered an adult). Along with this task I will also aid the other workers on tasks that come up regarding the other species on the island.

I will post a link to the Tern Island website so you can better acquaint your self with my project if you wish.

Oh yeah, I am a horrible speller and can get lazy with using proper grammar. Get used to it. Photos will be added later and more will probably be available through webshots or some other website as well. I will keep you posted. Hope to hear from you guys, and let me know what you think



Anonymous said...

TIM! That sounds awesome! Hope you're enjoying yourself out there...
-Kaylan =)

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