Friday, March 23, 2007

Boat Trips and What Not

Yesterday we took a boat trip out to Trig. This is one of the outer islands in the Atoll. We did a count of the birds that were nesting on the island. It was only a small island and had no vegetation. I was lucky to find two glass Japanese fishing floats. I guess they are worth some money or something. Anyone have any info about this? There was a few seals and a green turtle basking on the island. After, we took a small detour to clean off a NOAA buoy. I got to get into the water and clean off the UV sensors or something. I was just excited to get in the water way out there, a little bit scary but it was fun.

Today I got to band some Red-tailed Tropic Birds. I am glad that I get this experience. After work Laura and I went boogie boarding off of East Beach. East Beach is a small spit off the east end of the island so the waves kind of break off each other. The ride is not too long but it was hot today here and the water felt really good.

Dinner time, Aloha ~Tim~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.