Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

The last scheduled plane landed safely on Tern Island on Friday the 11th. We were sad to say goodbye to Frans and our new friend E.H., who stayed with us for a week working on installing new batteries for our solar power system. But the plane did deliver us a few new friends, Angela (Refuge Manager), Monika (Volunteer) and Mike (tide station technician). All were happy to make it out to Tern. From now until a new flight contract goes through, our only contact with the outside word (and way off this island) will be by boat. The population of Tern is now up to 8 people with a high for the summer being 13 (of which 11 will be staying the entire summer). The barracks are big and you can still feel alone, especially on Sundays when everyone seems to disappear.

I got lucky with this new group of people, they all seem to have been born water babies, and I have no shortage of swimming and snorkeling buddies. On Friday we went for a snorkel off the north end of the island and had some good encounters with White-tip Reef Sharks, a Grey Reef Shark, 2 Spotted Eagle Rays, a monster of an Aluau(sp?), some Box jelly fish, numerous Green Turtles, Trumpet fish, and a Monk Seal, just to name the ones not seen every trip into the water.

Next week we begin the arduous yet fun task of trying to band every Albatross chick on the island. This is no small feat as it seems that they are everywhere. This all has to be done while trying to avoid stepping on the eggs of the 75,000 pairs of Sooty Terns that have invaded the island like a bad Hitchcock movie. The terns hold fast to their eggs and peck and bite your legs while their mates bomb you from above. Ear plugs, shoes and much patience is needed for the task at hand. But we are all looking forward to break from our normal routine out here. Loving my time here but also looking forward to seeing you all again soon back on the mainland.

Happy Mother's Day Mom, happy birthday Dad, and congrats on finishing your Junior year Karen. I love and miss you guys and hope the weather is making a turn for the best back on the Cape. Looking forward to seeing you and Jessica this summer Orrin. Hopefully we can work out something so we can all go to the Red Sox game in August.

Go SOX! Tim.

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